Happy 2nd Birthday, David!

David turned 2 on August 5th, and we’ve had a great time celebrating!  In addition to the party that my mom had for him in Georgia in July, we went to Raging Waters on his actual birthday and had a party the weekend after.

Birthday pancakes (he insisted on putting the entire box of candles on the pancakes):



Raging Waters (we celebrated David’s birthday along with the birthdays of some dear friends, Patrick and Emily):




David’s party at Laureola Park:

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Some quality reading time with Nanna Lynne and Paw Paw:IMG_6495 _MG_6390


While we had some family in town, we took them up to SF.  David went on his first cable car ride and had his first Ghirardelli ice cream.  However, he fell asleep while we were walking across the Golden Gate.

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We just got back from visiting family in Georgia, and boy did we have a great time!  We got to see lots of family including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and some dear family friends.  David had a phenomenal time.  Every night as he was falling asleep, he’d babble to himself about all of the fun things that happened that day such as “Neigh, neigh, yea!” and “Happy Birthday, candles, yea!”  David loved all of the attention from the adults, but especially liked playing with his three cousins who were really great with him.  We really appreciate all of the kind things that our family and friends did to make this trip so much fun!  I’ve posted more photos at our gallery page, but I’ve included some highlights below.

Landing in Georgia (note the strawberries in his hair):


Driving the tractor:


Riding in the wagon with Bethany:


Hiking Mount Yonah (and cooking a hotdog on the campfire):

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Meeting Grauntie Em, Gruncle Joe, and Little Joe:


Splashing in puddles:


Taking apart computers (for fun):


Eating freshly picked cucumbers on the tractor:


Riding in the wagon:


Reading with Bethany:


Playing at the river:


Hanging out with Paw Paw and Gigi:


Playing with Grammy:


Playing with Grandpa Don:


Mickey Mouse Birthday Party:

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Playing in the pool:



And of course, playing with cousins:


Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!  Since it’s still unbearably hot, we escaped to the beach in the morning.  (Sorry no pictures from that.)  In the afternoon, we headed to the festivities in Redwood City where David decided to swim in the fountain to cool off.  I have to say that I can’t blame him.




Happy Vacation, Chris!

Chris took a few days off of work to play with David.  We’ve had a busy week, but we had a lot of fun, too.  We really enjoyed having Chris around!  We went to the end of the year picnic for David’s preschool, played t-ball, went to David’s “recital” at the Little Gym, went to Happy Hollow, joined friends for burritos and Hot Harvest Nights, went to the beach, had friends over for brunch, and met friends over at Kennedy Park.  While I’m sure Chris enjoyed his time off of work, I have a feeling there might be part of him that is looking forward to going back.

End of the year picnic at Little Hands

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End of the year “recital” at Little Gym

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Happy Hollow

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Hiller Aviation Museum

Yesterday, David and I went to the Hiller Aviation Museum, which is right here in San Carlos.  David loved seeing all of the planes and especially enjoyed watching the planes that were taking off and landing at the San Carlos Airport next door.  He very quickly learned the term “plane take off” and kept talking about it for the rest of the day.

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Yesterday, David tried his first soccer class.  He had a ton of fun … although he especially liked that Chris came, too.  To make the day even more exciting, David and I rode the Caltrain home from Millbrae.

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San Carlos Hometown Days

David was in his first parade today!  We walked with our preschool (Little Hands) in the San Carlos Hometown Days Parade.  David seemed to have a good time.  He especially liked the police motorcycles.

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After the parade, we went to the toddler section.  David got to ride a train and a ferris wheel, and even got to play in the petting zoo.

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Although David seem to enjoy the big festival, his two favorite parts where (1) the construction zone across the street and (2) the grills that they were using to cook hamburgers.  He went crazy when he saw both of these.

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In addition to the busy day we’ve had today, David has been enjoying climbing … climbing, climbing, and climbing.  He has started to climb up and over the fence at the playground, so he climbs out of the tot lot, then runs.  Also, he can pretty much climb out of his crib, so we’ll need to figure out a solution soon.

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David has also been riding his “mo mo” (aka motorcycle) a lot.  He goes really fast and says “weee weee weee” the whole time he’s riding it.  (Thank you, Georgia, for giving it to us!)

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And here’s a cute pic of David and Chris just because …



Woohoo for warm weather!

Last week, we had some incredibly warm weather.  We took advantage of it by going to the beach up in San Francisco and swimming in a friend’s pool.  We didn’t get any pictures of the pool, but you can see from the pictures of the beach that David LOVED it.  He didn’t stop giggling the whole time.  David liked the pool just as much … and I was surprised that he was so comfortable with the water.  The little daredevil especially liked jumping off of the side of the pool.

Unfortunately, it’s gotten colder, but we’ve still been having fun … David has been enjoying climbing, climbing, and climbing … and riding his new motorcycle/bike.  I’ll try to post some pictures soon.

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A random hodgepodge of pictures

Admittedly, I’ve been a little lax when it comes to blogging.  Here are a few photos I just downloaded from my iPhone from the last few months.

Climbing the ladder to the big slide with Daddy

Eating chocolate frozen yogurt in the backpack (maybe not my brightest idea)

Jogging with Mommy

Playing trains with Daddy

Lining up all of the trucks in the sandbox

Eating bananas and spaghetti sauce

Wearing construction hats

Putting down the sprinklers

Looking at a window display in San Francisco

Hanging out up in SF

More hanging out in SF

Walking by the bay

Hanging out at PetSmart

Going on a date with Mom and Dad at Town (and eating chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream)

Going down the slide with Daddy

Playing with other kids’ toys in the sandbox

Playing in our neighbors’ sprinklers

Running away from Mom and Dad at Laurelwood ParkIMG_3362