The delinquent blogger

Yes, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve updated the blog.  It’s been pretty busy for us over the last few weeks … David got three molars at once, which meant several sleepless nights.  Then, he got a virus (fever and rash.)  In addition to all of this, he also got a huge bruise/goosebump on his head and a split lip from the park and gym class.  Even with all of this, we have managed to have some fun recently.  David took his first trip to the California Academy of Sciences thanks to my friends David and Teresa (and their kids Hannah and Oliver.)  We’ve also explored our local parks, took David for a ride on the Caltrain, and even gave him his first Oreo.  (Chris gave him one in the car because he couldn’t even wait until we got home.)   
David at the Cal Academy of Sciences
David’s first ride on the Caltrain

Grocery cart at the park (the favorite toy of the day for all of the kids that day)
Playing in the Burton Park water feature
Enjoying his first Oreo

Aftermath from his first Oreo

The Palo Alto Junior Museum with the Donovans

Today, David and I met up with Katie, Jacob, and Alex Donovan at the Palo Alto Junior Museum.  We had never been before, and it was fantastic!  David had a great time and really enjoy exploring all of the exhibits.  Jacob and Alex seemed to have a good time, and David sure did love having some big kids to chase.  Many thanks to the Donovans for the invite! 
Jacob in front of the museum sign
David looking at a sculpture
Katie, Jacob and David playing with the tennis ball exhibit

David looking at the raccoon

David looking at the turtle

Alex and David taking a water break

David turning the wheel at the tennis ball exhibit

David turning on the fan at the wind power exhibit

David discovering solar power

Jacob and Alex looking at spiders

Alex and David playing with the water fountain (which was more fun than many of the exhibits, apparently)

David and Alex looking at the ducks

David playing with the tennis ball exhibit


This weekend, Chris and I took David to CuriOdyssey, a children’s museum in San Mateo.  He was very clearly overstimulated and would run from exhibit to exhibit.  Regardless, he seemed to have a good time and was very tired when we left.

In other news, David is keeping us on our toes while at home.  He recently climbed underneath Chris’ car, and then climbed onto one of the kitchen chairs last night.  He’s definitely learning quickly!  Here are some recent pics of the little guy.

The first time David climbed onto the kitchen chair
Hanging with Mom
Enjoying a tomato (He prefers them whole.)

Swinging with Dad
Eating yogurt (To his defense, he is in fact holding a spoon.)

David’s new favorite activity – putting things into things

David has recently started to enjoy putting things into other things.  What types of things?  Pretty much anything.  It’s always interesting for me to open the bottom drawer in our kitchen to find some sort of surprise: a bottle of purell, some hair curlers, the garage door opener, the bubble wand, a piece of bread … you get the picture.  Today, he spent quite a long time breaking up a slice of bread into small pieces and then putting them into one of the vacuum attachments (see video below.)  Then, he spent the rest of the afternoon putting raisins into his shoe.  I’m not really sure what he’s trying to accomplish, but he’s definitely having fun.  In addition, I included a video of one of his new skills: clapping.

Happy Birthday, David!

Thank you very much to all of our family and friends who helped us celebrate David’s birthday! People came from Georgia, Louisiana, and all around the Bay Area.  We even had tons of help cooking, decorating, and cleaning up.  David sure did have a great time!

We had David’s one year check up yesterday.  He’s doing great and developing normally.  He weighs 27 pounds and is 30 inches long.  He had to get blood drawn and 4 shots, so it was a little traumatic for all of us.  Thankfully, he get a reaction to any of the shots!

Happy 1st Birthday, David!

It’s hard to believe that David is one year old today!  I’m amazed at how much he’s grown and changed over the last year.  Here are a few pics/videos of the little guy.

Reading his first birthday card from Maw Maw
Pulling the toilet paper off of the role
Blowing “raspberries” on Dad’s tummy

Enjoying plums

His high tech ride: he’s pushing the ipad while drinking his bottle

Tennis balls

David’s new favorite activity is putting tennis balls back in their container.  He’s really good at it.  Plus, I’m thrilled that he’s interested in putting things away, even though he still enjoys making a mess.  He also likes carrying things around.  While it’s cute, it’s quite interesting to find strange items in random places.

Here’s a recent photo from our outing to the park.

Mmmm … sand